“Bet on self interest, it’s a horse that’s always trying” - Jack Liang

Self Interest

You know self-interest. It’s that plague in you.
That tiny voice that’s always talking to you..

Sometimes it’s so inconspicuous, but it is for a fact there… living in your subconscious, our self-interest aligns our thoughts and desires to what we want.

It’s so crazily hard to identify it in our own lives until we humble ourselves and take a step back to realise how much of our actions, thoughts and decision are shaped by self-gratification. It’s a terrifying virus that we don’t even realise existed in our system.

Maybe it’s not what we want though.
We might get what we want, but not what we truly need.

How do we so drastically change our lives, our minds… our subconscious even - to align our wants to our needs.

I dare raise the question though, is it bad to have self interest?
I recently talked to a friend who had reminded me of the saying “Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm”.

Of course there is an extent as to how much you should care about yourself, but having no self care is foolish and reckless.
Or maybe self interest is completely different to self care.

But, every action always has more than consequences.
Maybe in pleasing yourself, the actions of your intended self-interest had become a blessing to another.

Is the desire to be selfless, selfish?