Diffie Hellman

How can you establish a secret without transmitting it?

The Diffie Hellman method (?) can be used to generate a shared secret without needing to transmit it. Note that this method is not for message encryption - only for secret generation.

It uses the maths properties of exponentiation:

  • Use a generator number g ( known publically )
  • Then each party picks a random number a / b (private to them)
  • Send the other party g^a (or g^b)
  • Receive the value and raise to your random number

This works as (g^a)^b = (g^b)^a

Usually we would also decide a large prime number to be a modulo value m (so the values are restrained)

  • Good for establishing confidentiality, but it doesn’t establish authentication.


  • Vulnerabililty - A weakness in a system
  • Exploit - Taking advantage of a vulnerability
  • Bug - A mistake in the code of software


  • // Stack - Function data | Heap - Code and dynamic memory

  • Memory corruption - unauthorised modification to the memory

    • Buffer Overflow
    • Writing more data than the length of an allocated space
    • Integer overflow
    • Continuous incrementing of an integer could overflow it to become the largest negative value (or zero if unsigned)
    • Format string vulnerabilities
    • printf expects a format string as the first parameter.
      • Should do printf("%s", "Hello World") rather than printf("Hello World").
    • Important because if we are passing in a string variable printf(message)
      • If message = "%s", then the program will perform printf("%s")
      • The program will now search for the next ‘given’ argument
        • But we can then pass arbitrary information -> the next item in the stack
    • Can also use printf to write data into memory addresses!
      • %n - Write number of bytes to memory
      • printf("1234567890%n", "\xDD\xCC\xBB\xAA")
      • Write 10 into 0xAABBCCDD

  • Shell Code

    • Crafting a payload (in machine code) to open up a shell
  • NOP sleds

    • NOP is the assembly instruction to do nothing (pass)


What are you protecting?
What’s important, what’s not?

Identifying Assets

  • Survey people
  • Develop a plan
  • Periodically revise

Types of Assets

  • Tangible - Products, items that can be valued
  • Intagible - Morality, security, people - hard to value