One and zero, one and zero.

Number Systems


Binary numbers are base 2, with the numbers: 0 1
The number 1337 can be represented in binary as 0b10100111001


Decimals are base 10, with the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Octals are base 8, with the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The number 1337 can be represented in binary as 0o2471


Hex numbers are base 16, with the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
The number 1337 can be represented in binary as 0x539

Storage of data in computer systems

A computer can’t directly store the letter A, the hexadecimal 0x539, or even the number 15!
A computer deals with everything in binary (a consequence of being an electrical device).

On a high level, we can store pictures, videos, images, text without ever thinking about binary -
this is because of the abstractions provided by our operating systems and black magic :)

Signed and Unsigned numbers

A signed number means that the number has a positive or negative sign in front of it.
An unsigned number means that the number is only positive.

Consider a byte (char in C), which has 8 bits.
The total number of different values it can store is 2^8 = 256.
A signed byte has its values in the -127 - 127 range.
An unsigned byte has its values in the 0 - 255 range.

Signed or unsigned, the byte still holds 256 different values, the only thing that has changed is the offset of the range.


When looking at the binary representation of a signed number, the first bit denotes the sign of the number.
A first bit of 0 dictates a positive number.
A first bit of 1 dictates a negative number.

unsigned char b = 0b00001011 = 11
signed char ddd = 0b00001011 = 11
unsigned char a = 0b10001011 = 139
signed char ccc = 0b10001011 = -117

Tip: If the first bit of a signed number is 1, subtract 2^(n-1), where n is the number of bits of that number’s data type.


As an unsigned number cannot be negative, if we set that number to a negative value, it will turn into its largest positive value.
(ie unsigned char a = -1; will set char = 255)

Two's Complement

The two’s complement method is a way to convert the binary representation of a positive number into the binary representation of its negative value.

To do so, invert all the bits and add one (~BITS + 0b1)

Let’s try convert the number 15, 0b00001111.
First, flip all the bits: 0b11110000.
Now, add one: 0b11110001.

Floating-point Numbers

Floating point numbers are numbers that we might consider to be numbers with decimal places, such as the number 150.75

Data Types

In most programming languages, floating point numbers are given the data types:
float - single precision - 32 bits (4 bytes) double - double precision - 64 bits (8 bytes)

Single Precision

First bit - Sign
Next 8 bits - Exponent
Last 23 bits - Fraction

Double Precision

First bit - Sign
Next 11 bits - Exponent
Last 52 bits - Fraction


In binary, the exponent of the fraction is represented relative to a bias value B = 2^n - 1.
Why? Dunno.
What this means to us is that the exponent is stored as exponent + B


Convert 150.75 to a floating point number (single precision).

150.75 = 10010110.11
// 1     0   0   1    0   1   1   0 . 1     1   
// 128 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1/2 + 1/4)

Now we normalise the fraction into scientific notation 1.001011011 x 2^7

Our exponent is 2^7.
7 = 0b00000111

Now add on our bias value (127 in this case)

+ 0b01111111

So the binary we store as the exponent is 0b10000110.

Piecing everything together…

SIGN | EXP(8)   | FRAC(23)
0    | 10000110 | 00101101100000000000000

So we get the result 01000011000101101100000000000000

TL;DR Float to IEEE Float

1) Convert the float to its binary form, keep the decimal point 2) Turn the binary into its proper scientific form (only one bit on the left of the decimal point) 3) Convert the exponent (number of times you’ve moved left), and add it on to the bias (2^n - 1) 4) Write out the IEEE Float. First bit is the sign bit, then the exponent+bias, then the fraction binary

Float to IEEE Float

TL;DR IEEE Float to Float

1) Note down the sign (if the first bit is a 1, the value is a negative) 2) Subtract the bias from the exponent, this gives us the number of times we need to shift right 3) Assemble the float, (sign) 1.fraction 4) Shift the decimal place right

IEEE Float to Float